So I have been thinking lately…..I need to date or something
of the sort (think more of getting out of my bubble).
I know I have been
saying that for years and I have tried the on line thing but that was a crappy
I have been hoping
for one of those chance meetings you see on TV. You know the ones….some
handsome man happens to sit next to you at Starbucks or asks you what you think
of a particular product at the grocery story…you know what I am talking about.
Then I hope that friend fixes me up with someone she knows
or my kids meet a great guy and thinks he would be perfect for me.
Well none of those things have happened for me….and that is
ok, I am good with it. Like I say…yea for me if it happens and yea for me if it
doesn’t. But I have not given up on the
idea of one great man coming into my life.
I didn’t date that much in high school, really didn’t get
asked out much or asked to dances, met my prom date on a street corner in
Westwood, been cheated on so many times that I have stopped counting, had my
heart broken, stomped on and even laughed at. I have had my soul dumped on. My self
worth kicked to the curb. My dignity shredded to pieces. But I still hold onto
hope that one good man will come.
I look at some of my friends that have divorced since mine
and they are either remarried or in a committed relationship and the jealousy
flairs up. But then I have to talk myself off of the ledge and remind myself
that everyone has their own path in life and this is my path at the moment. And
I go back to hope of one good man.
And my thoughts turn to….Maybe he is thinking right now….I
just want one good women….one that likes the outdoors, one that does not mind
watching sports with me, one that has a middle school boy sense of humor. And maybe
just maybe she is looking for me.